Saturday, July 18, 2009

TODAY IS ......

today is.....

today was alrite overall i guess. i was home until dinner. ERNESTO came to bring me to dinner at san tung and head back to my house. we ended up going to cow cow for dessert and after we headed to safeway to get BEER =D head over to vanessa's house but mommy went krazy n kicked us out. if u want to put it like that. but it was pretty krazy. head home and now i'm tokboxing with AMY AND YONG and another box with MATT. hahaha. VENT talking to daddy yee. =D
I LOVE DADDY YEE. he could help me understand things better. aint lying he could. i guess cause hes more mature. =P DADDY SO CUTE. MAKING MOMMY FOOD. =D ANYWAYS i'm in a good mood for some weird reason. haha. whatever.

he didnt call me the whole day. i guess he have another event going on. imma just let things cool down in between me n him. cause i think his heart just not with me right now. i want him to miss me. i really do. i want him to want me n he get the same feelings i'm feeling. if he doesnt get it. FUCK IT. imma just let go. its really no point of waiting for a guy who doesnt feel the same way. rather let it go early than later. =\ now its time to just think about things.


  1. Being in a good mood is good, good to hear! Good good gooooood!

  2. i started seeing stripes after reading this entry... -_-

    you go on the a whole new level when you learn to let go of something. =]
